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Home of TBS Knives®
Total Bushcraft Solutions
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About Us

From years of product testing, using, abusing and selling kit through my retail business I know that there are some fantastic pieces of kit out there from some great manufacturers. The only problem I have found is that virtually everything I have bought, although very good, I have modified in some way, however small, for my own purposes.

This can range from a simple firesteel to a hunting rifle costing thousands of pounds. This is where the light bulb moment of TBS Knives & TBS Outdoor went on........why not put your money where your mouth is and design and make products yourself?
When it comes to outdoor gear there is nothing more important and useful than a good knife so this was the obvious starting point. TBS Knives came about by designing a fixed blade knife that could cope with most common tasks but also be easy to maintain and sharpen - this is how The Boar was born. Of course there are loads of fantastic knives out there and it will be an endless argument about which one is best but, for me, none of them seem to completely fit the bill. The Boar has been a fantastic success and has spurned quite a few spin offs, namely in folding variants and different sized fixed blades.
The Every Day Carry model is most definitely one the most popular knives currently on sale as it is simply the best in its class. I have always maintained that the best knife on the planet is the one you have on you at the time you need it; ergo, if you design the best pocket knife you have the best knife. I know, that is a bold claim but the closest rival was nearly twice the price and I still can’t work out why. I think the main reason is probably because if you increase the amount of middle men between you and the manufacturer then there are more people that need to make a profit.

TBS Knives own all the designs and only manufacture our cutlery from top quality materials. We DO NOT source cheap rubbish from questionable sources and all of our current designs utilise the best materials from Europe and the USA. As a result of this ethos we control all elements of design and construction and can confidently offer top quality products at some very reasonable prices.
The steels we currently use are from the best European foundry’s who produce high quality controlled steels for just about every industry in the World. We use tried and tested materials that we know work.
Every aspect of the materials for our knives have been carefully chosen. The handle materials we use have all been selected for their quality, durability and ease of maintenance and the timbers have been sourced them from entirely sustainable sources. The trees that are being used in the Turkish Walnut models, for example, were planted by the Grand Father and the Great Grand Father of the current owner of the mill in Turkey.
Products and tools continue to evolve and, as we all know, there isn’t one tool that does absolutely everything or that every customer will like but we believe that we are currently producing some of the best pieces of cutlery on the market today.
The company will carry on growing and will evolve but I will guarantee that we will continue to produce high quality, wonderfully engineered kit that will serve you for years. We are not about to run off to another manufacturer just because they can produce something cheaper, it is always worth remembering, cheaper doesn't always mean better!

I continually try to evolve the TBS brand and I have started putting the attention to detail I have done with TBS Knives into new products and projects. One thing though that will always be a constant is that I will always strive to produce the best kit, from quality materials, that lasts, for a reasonable price. We might not be the cheapest but there is definitely economy in longevity..........

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