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TBS Deluxe Firesteel

Stock Status: In Stock
Product Brand: TBS Outdoor
Product Code: FIR140032
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TBS Deluxe Firesteel
TBS Deluxe Firesteel TBS Deluxe Firesteel TBS Deluxe Firesteel TBS Deluxe Firesteel
Product Description

The TBS Deluxe Fatboy Firesteel is, quite simply, a brilliant product. I know there about a thousand different types on the market today but I honestly believe that you cannot get more bang for your buck than our Firesteels. The Deluxe Fatboy Firesteel is another step up in quality and functionality as it features an aluminium handle with a removeable (and of course, replaceable) Fatboy firesteel rod. (12.5mm in diameter)

The aluminium handle is hollow and allows for storage of a piece of TBS Quick Fire Tinder (or any other tinder you choose to use) making more of a firelighting kit than just a firesteel. It also features a TBS Striker which is attached with a piece of 550 Utility Paracord.

The attachment cord features some excellent inner cords. There are the 7 normal inner strands you would find in any 550 cord but there is also:

  • A red cord that is an excellent waterproof firelighting tinder.
  • A yellow, thinner PE line that is perfect for emergency fishing line.
  • A tan waxed cotton line which is a great piece of cordage but is perfect for repairing your kit. 

Using the dedicated striker gives off a massive shower of white hot sparks thanks to the addition of just little more of the combustible metals to our rods. I know a lot of people like to use the back of their knife but you really can't get better than a dedicated striker and this one just works. Also no one seems to ask the question "What if you loose your knife or don't have it with you, how do you then strike your firesteel....?" Of course, with a dedicated striker you never have that issue.

Oh, and before we get accused (again) of just copying someone else's product, this was designed and prototyped 3 months before the "other" product hit the market so unless I had a crystal ball there was no way of knowing someone else was developing something similar. The other product also doesn't feature a dedicated striker or the super useful utility cord. Please also be assured that this is not just a cheap knock off of something else, we have, like all of our other products, cut out the 10 middlemen taking their slice and gone direct to the manufacturer making this Firesteel unbelievable value.


  • 12.5mm Diameter (1/2")
  • 80mm Length Ferro Rod with 70mm exposed
  • 55mm Length Handle
  • 135mm Total Length
  • Dedicated Striker
  • Utility Cord
  • Quick Fire Tinder included
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